Comments on: Maxim, Pumps, and Flow Measurement A revolution in time. Thu, 11 Apr 2013 01:11:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Abelard Lindsey Abelard Lindsey Wed, 02 Mar 2011 04:18:58 +0000 I’ve read her vitriol over the past few years. I get the impression that she is mentally ill. I have a friend who has written a medically-related book with a co-author who is also mental. His co-author’s vitriol is similar to that of “Melody Maxim”.

It is not fruitful to argue with mentally ill people.

By: admin admin Wed, 02 Mar 2011 01:24:03 +0000 To be honest, I have no idea. You can read the full exchange between Maxim and myself (up until the very recent CryoNet postings) here:

As near as I can tell, the woman has serious issues of some kind, probably unrelated to any one person or personality in cryonics. If all she were doing was posting such rants, it would be sufficient unto the day to simply post a rebuttal, and leave it at that. However, she has launched an effort to get cryonics Transport personnel banned from entering hospitals. This would have the effect of subjecting cryopatients to hours of ischemia, since SOP or Best Practice in hospitals, extended care facilities, and other licensed medical facilities is to pull all lines (and remove all tubes or invasive appliances), clean up (sponge bath) and shroud the patient (white plastic sheet wrap). Ligature of the penis to avoid urine leakage is also common practice. The patient then waits, in situ, until a morgue attendant or diener comes to make the pick up from the patient’s room/bed. Typical time from pronouncement to arrival in the hospital morgue is ~2-hours. Similarly, she has vowed to make cryonics a state regulated practice, absent any collaboration or input from cryonicists, and she is believed to be associated with these efforts: and She does not respond with any specific technical criticisms of my work or postings, when asked to do, so it is hard to tell what her particular objections or motivations are. — Mike Darwin

By: Abelard Lindsey Abelard Lindsey Mon, 28 Feb 2011 23:25:56 +0000 So, Melody Maxim’s vitriol is driven by the cryonics organizations’ choice of using roller pumps instead of centrifugal pumps. Is this correct?
