Comments on: Sexual Senescence in Humans: A Propaganda tool for Cryonics and Life Extension? A revolution in time. Thu, 11 Apr 2013 01:11:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin admin Fri, 29 Jul 2011 00:11:26 +0000 I should have been much clearer about this, or not used it. What I said in the accompany text to the graph was: “The data to the left of the purple line reflect what people believe their sexual life expectancy will be, before age 30. Obviously, a lot of people get a rude awakening as they reach middle age.” What I failed to say that this was based on data I am collecting myself on an ongoing basis from two sources: Internet hookup sites and gay bathhouse interviews. Absent an exposition of the methodology I should not use the data and I will make the appropriate substitutions. The article was not originally written Chronosphere and was incomplete when I edited for posting. My apologies. — Mike Darwin

PS: Ifyou are interested in this kind of data, e.g., sexual behavior/function versus aging there is a goldmine of it here: This study, the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior has a lot of “embedded” data about sexual activity in aging though that was not the goal of study – it was funded in part by Condom companies, primarily Trojan. It is a huge file (140 pages) and it takes a lot of patience to go through the data, but it was worth it for me. For Trojan, it must have been a marketing executive’s dream come true. — MD

By: vs vs Wed, 27 Jul 2011 18:15:25 +0000 Interesting.

Where does the left part of Figure 2 come from? I couldn’t find it in the referred source. And, how do you get the following? “you have about as much chance of being sexually functional [...] at age 55 or 60, as you would have had of living to age 75 in 1800″

By: admin admin Tue, 26 Jul 2011 07:03:37 +0000 I have a number of pending pieces on various pharmacologically mediated “temporary functional rejuvenation” measures. A number of them deal with novel, and currently not medically available therapies for cognitive decline, and age associated sexual dysfunction. I haveso much material on sexual dysfunction that I may even do a “Chronosphere Sex” so as not to offend/bore who either don’t need the information or would be turned off by it, or by the frank language I use. — Mike Darwin

By: unperson unperson Tue, 26 Jul 2011 00:04:40 +0000 wow, mike, just wow.

Hey, I got an ideer: Let’s combine my idea of a cryonics-oriented protestant church, and your idea of sexual hedonism-oriented cryonics into one grand scheme–the First Church of the Immortal Erect Jesus!
