Comments on: inonymous? A revolution in time. Thu, 11 Apr 2013 01:11:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eugen Leitl Eugen Leitl Sun, 01 Apr 2012 13:33:31 +0000 Forcing people to create Facebook accounts (easily faked) to just to post here? Really, Danila?

By: chronopause chronopause Sun, 01 Apr 2012 13:33:05 +0000 Hi Danila! Very good to see your presence here.

I have no objection to anonymous forums. They serve a valuable role in society and have, going back to graffiti, which I’ve observed all over the Ancient world. The problem occurs when you are trying to build community and generate action – which is very different than chat, political maneuvering, and complaining, which is mostly what you get on such forums. It gets even more complicated when individuals who are not anonymous, and who are in fact working to try to do something productive (whether successful or not) get attacked and have no way to confront their attackers – attackers who can also multiply themselves endlessly to create a wholly unjustified impression of support or agreement. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I know it is not right for what is underway here. There are two other forums available for such commentary and commentators: Cold Filter Cryonics Chat and New Cryonet.

As to Facebook, I know little about its mechanics, but here’s what I suggest; Eugen Leitl is the Administrator of Chronosphere. Why don’t all three of us get together on line or via Skype and discuss this. I also have many other issues you may be of help with.

BTW, I was in Flagstaff today and the Hard Drive, still in the wrapping from the failed attempt to send it to Germany, was sent off via FedEx to Pittsburgh, today. It is scheduled to arrive on 04 April and you should be able to pick it up from UPMC when you arrive from Moscow, thereafter.

Finally, where the hell is the photo essay on the KrioRus facility and an account, an HONEST account, of recent doings in Moscow. You promised me a piece months ago, and now I’m holding your feet to the fire. I want to encourage you to stay in dialogue here, because this space is not just about the US or the West. You have a fine mind, a keen insight into many aspects of cryonics – Western cryonics – and it is needed here. I also want to point out that things are incubating here to begin radical efforts of an insurgent nature to start applying the enormous advances that have been made in biomedicine – particularly with respect to regenerative/rejuvenative medicine to humans -namely us – soon – before we are all decrepit, dead or both. I want to see a reintegration between ALL rational efforts to stay alive and healthy and cryonics, and I want to see it soon. I believe you may have a significant role to play in that – and we should communicate about that soon, as the Chronopause Foundation has finally begun to gestate.

Have a good trip to the US and enjoy documenting the limb transplant program at UPMC! In fact, tell us about it here, if you can. — Mike Darwin

By: Danila Medvedev Danila Medvedev Sun, 01 Apr 2012 12:55:10 +0000 I personally like the idea of anonymity and there even are some online forums that don’t allow names at all! Every comment is signed by Anonymous (some forums add numbers automatically to distinguish between different Anonymouses, others don’t even do that).

However, requiring the use of real names can be a valuable tool. Mike, if you want to implement that, I suggest that you enable Facebook authentication on the blog and disable other methods. The reason is that Facebook has draconian policies against anonymity (which are unethical for a number of reasons), more or less ensure that accounts there are associated with a real person.

By: chronopause chronopause Mon, 26 Mar 2012 05:49:51 +0000 Yes. It is a beginning. How can we ask ask for immortality if we can’t even ask for the right to be ourselves? — MD

By: Alexander McLin Alexander McLin Fri, 23 Mar 2012 13:16:08 +0000 It’s partly our fault, some of us are shy, trepidatious, or overwhelmed by the idea of facing an indifferent or hostile society for our interest in cryonics. Temptation to seek shelter behind anonymousness is great, but dangerous.

Step by step, starting with our real names, we develop confidence and pride in what we are interested in and want to accomplish.

By: chronopause chronopause Fri, 23 Mar 2012 07:50:47 +0000 Yes, I should have seen this ages a go! If we can’t even own ourselves, then how on earth are we going to convince anyone else to join us? It is ridiculously obvious! People running about with names like “unperson” and “driven from the pack.” Right. Like that’s what I, or anyone else wants to be or be with. — Mike Darwin

By: Shannon Vyff Shannon Vyff Fri, 23 Mar 2012 04:42:19 +0000 I like to see more people within the cryonics community standing behind what they say, this is done by using one’s name-or at the least a handle which is known to be an specific person.

By: cath cath Thu, 22 Mar 2012 04:51:03 +0000 Totally agree… Cath Donaldson nee Cath Woof

By: Alexander McLin Alexander McLin Wed, 21 Mar 2012 22:33:36 +0000 Just chiming in to say that I respect your rule and will continue posting comments in the future with my name.

By: chronopause chronopause Fri, 16 Mar 2012 23:02:40 +0000 Regrettably, no, because I had agreed not to. Similarly, those people who posted here pseusodononymously, before the new policy was in place, will not have their comments deleted. While the need for this policy is painfully obvious in hindsight, it wasn’t as it evolved. I won’t penalize anyone for my own lack of commonsense. In fact, I was in the process of setting up a filtering mechanism for him to post comments so that I could screen his content and protect further his identity when I came to the conclusion that “anonymous actors” simply weren’t acceptable here. I wonder if the rest of the world will come to the same conclusion? — Mike Darwin
