Comments on: Almax Cryostat Post-Manufacturing Preparation Procedure STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (With Specimen Contract & Purchase Order)
A revolution in time.Thu, 11 Apr 2013 01:11:28 +0000hourly1 Suren
SurenTue, 27 Nov 2012 11:26:19 +0000 Roger:If the LHC were not to discover anyinthg new, I agree entirely that we would not be in a happy situation ! It would probably mean the end of particle physics, irrespective of anyinthg else.I disagree, however, on the fact that the LHC was sold to discover the Higgs. It was sold as an extraordinary step in energy towards discovery of TeV new physics. Let’s put it right: as repeatedly demonstrated in the past 15 years, an e+e- collider with energy of the order of mH + mZ + 30 GeV would be in much better a position to discover and finely study the Higgs boson than any hadron machine ever. In this perspective, the sooner the discovery is confirmed, the better !(Note: I am not a TeVatron experimenter, but an LHC experimenter, former LEP experimenter)