Status Report: 15 July, 2011

One of the unfortunate things about being as isolated as I am from easy dialogue with others (something much of the cryonics community suffers from) is that I don’t have much opportunity to sit around and verbally discuss the meaning of events of (seeming) importance. I thus have only on my opinions, and those are of limited use, at best.

The statistics I present below are below are interesting and I’m fairly sure they contain important in formation. I’ll refrain from commenting on them much beyond labeling points on the graphic section to show what a given day’s post was.

31.          suPAR Power: A rapid, inexpensive, highly accurate method of predicting all-cause and disease specific mortality: 2011/07/15

30.          The Armories of the Latter Day Laputas, Part 5: 2011/07/11

29.          The Armories of the Latter Day Laputas, Part 4: 2011/07/07

28.          In Camera Historia, Trans Time, Inc.: 2011/07/05 and In Camera Historia,” Air Hearse”:  2011/07/07

27.          Casual Conversation, 29 June, 2011: 2011/06/30

26.          Future Babble: A Review and Commentary: 2011/06/29

25.          Induction of Hypothermia in the Cryonics Patient: Theory and Technique, Part 2: 2011/06/29

24.          Induction of Hypothermia in the Cryonics Patient: Theory and Technique, Part 1: 2011/06/28

23.          Commercial Air Transport of the Cryopreservation Patient: 2011/06/26

22.          Going, Going, Gone… Part 1-3: 2011/05/31

21.          A Visit to Alcor: 2011/05/29

20.          Cryonics, Nanotechnology and Transhumanism: Utopia Then and Now: 2011/04/19

19.          Cryonicists, Teach Your Children Well: 2011/04/14

18           You be the Judge: Understanding and Evaluating the Quality of Human Cryopreservations from Cryonics Organization Literature and Case Report Data, Part 4: 2011/04/11, 2011/04/05, 2011/04/04

17.          Michael G. Darwin, a Biographical Précis: 2011/04/04

16.          Letter to the Aspirants: 2011/03/18

15.          1968 AD > Cryonics > Reboot: 2011/03/17

14.          We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: A Personal Meditation on the Consequences of Increasing Social Acceptance for Contra-cultural Undertakings: 2011/03/13

13.          Chronosphere is Not a Blog!: 2011/03/12

12.          How Not to Get Ahead in Cryonics: Using Google Ngram Technology to Expose Flawed Decision Making in Cryonics: 2011/03/10

11.          Poisoning the Well: Measuring the Cultural Penetration of Cryonics Using Google Ngram Technology: 2011/03/07

10.          I Know this is Going to be Shocking: A Review of Wearable Continuous Monitoring Systems to Detect and Treat Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Cryonicists: 2011/03/16

9.            Pearl: 2011/03/05

8.            Last Aid as First Aid for Cryonicists: 2011/03/06, 2011/03/04, 2011/03/01,2011/02/28

7.            Maxim, Pumps, and Flow Measurement: 2011/02/27

6              Response to Maxim’s Rant about Automation in Cardiopulmonary Bypass: 2011/02/26

5.            Last Aid as First Aid for Cryonicists, Part 1: 2011/02/26

4.            Don’t Ask, But Do Tell: 2011/02/24

3.            Does Personal Identity Survive Cryopreservation?: 2011/02/23

2.            The Pathophysiology of Ischemic Injury: Impact on the Human Cryopreservation Patient, Part 4: 2011/02/14

1.            Achieving Truly Universal Health Care: 2011/02/14

Unfortunately, the statistical plug-in that Chronosphere uses does not allow for the graphic data to be dynamically adjusted in terms of the periods of days displayed, or the dates of the weeks rather the number in which they occur in the year. Thus, I can only display stats from 06/16 through the present. The numbers assigned to the posts are arbitrary and do not reflect the count from the first post. — Mike Darwin


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